Wednesday, May 7, 2008


On September 4th, 2007 we arrived at our new assignment. Oxford, England.
Devin's new job - to be a full-time student earning his PhD in jet turbine engine turbine blades..........?? You may want to ask him.
Within the first 2 weeks we found a house, purchased a car, toured the city, experienced punting and ate at the Eagle and Child where the inklings met (C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien writers group).
What a beautiful city with warm fall weather! We were excited for our new adventures!

In October we took a day trip to Bath, England and drove by Stonehenge.

In December we took a quick trip to Stratford on Avon to Shakespeare's home and then to Warwick Castle.

In January we had the opportunity to tour the home of C.S. Lewis in Oxford.

In March we went to Milton Keynes where the city is somewhat "Americanized" with wider streets and 4-way intersections. They even have a TGI Fridays! We toured Bletchley park which was the former HQ for the U.K.'s version of the N.S.A.

In April we spent a day in London touring the city. We took a ride on The London Eye and a boat tour down the Thames, followed by a tour of the Tower of London.

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