Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer Ramblings Part 1

Wow! It's been a while since I've blogged about anything. Despite my desires to post pictures, thoughts, events, etc for friends and family to see I find blogging quite time consuming. I have to run by the computer every few minutes to type or add a picture in between tending to household chores and "trying to keep 3 kids alive" as I like to say. My days are very busy feeding, changing, playing and keeping the kids from killing each other as well as laundry, dishes, cooking and cleaning. By the end of the day, not much is accomplished except the kids are still alive!

Since my last post, we were able to take a long vacation (not long enough) back to the U.S. Devin had a conference in Orlando so we took some vacation time around it. We drove out to Key West and then up the coast on the Atlantic side before getting to Orlando. It was very hot but so nice to be near the water and go to beaches and swim. I love the beach and the ocean! My parents, and my sisters and their husbands joined us in Orlando for some fun family time and we even went to Disney World. It was so great to be back in a familiar country with great shopping and restaurants too!

It was sad to leave. Saying goodbye to family and returning to England is hard. It's been my least favorite place to live and I miss being closer to family. The last 2 years have been the toughest I've ever had. But I'm thankful for the times we've been able to go back for visits or our family has come here.

Below are a few pictures from the trip. I'll post more soon.

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