Let's see...August went by in a blur. Not much to report except that it was a great month in terms of weather. We finally got some days in the high 80s and it felt so nice. Now I'm sorry summer is over.
The middle of the month, Devin was away for two weeks for some training and I took the opportunity to get the kids started back into school. August 15th was our official start date and yes that is early for some here but I knew we would be taking some vacation in September so I wanted us to get a good head start. The kids did pretty well getting back to the routine of things although it was hard to get them to accept there would be no more morning tv watching.
Austin so far is doing well in 2nd grade. He's not really learning any new concepts yet so he's finding it all pretty easy except for the reading part. He lacks desire and motivation, so we've strayed from our school reading books and are just picking kids story books around the house. I've since purchased the Happy Phonics set and have started that with the boys and they are enjoying the games.
Teagan is breezing through Kindergarten. We actually started him back in March with it and he's already read through all the books and finds math very easy. When it comes to writing letters though he puts up a fight and doesn't understand the need to write them over and over.
Bailey is doing well and keeping occupied with movies or her toys while I teach the boys. Sometimes she sits with us and colors in her coloring books. So much better than last year when she wanted me to hold her constantly.
Despite my impatience and frustrations in teaching my kids at home I'm actually enjoying this year better than past years. I think since we are nearly over the hurdle of teaching them to read, it's opened up a whole new world and level of learning for them which makes things a little more exciting and easier for me. I know it will be difficult as we move up in grades and I have to teach harder concepts and subjects but for now I'm feeling pretty good with the fact that my hard work is sinking in and they are actually learning!
Now we've got 3 weeks of school done before Labor Day and we plan to take a much needed family vacation and use up some of Devin's vacation days before the end of September. We've been talking for a while about getting out to Hawaii while we are here and being military there are a "few" perks. So we plan to drive up the coast of California and hopefully catch a free flight to Hawaii. Devin and I did this over 9 years ago when we first got married and now want to try it again and bring the kids. They are so excited! We plan to make a stop in San Francisco. For some reason my kids have been fascinated by the Golden Gate Bridge and have seen it in pictures or movies so they are excited to know we'll be seeing it in real life.
And the best news to come out of August was that Devin's scheduled deployment was cancelled. Many of you prayed this would happen and God certainly answered those prayers! I'm relieved he won't be gone for six months and that we can spend Christmas together this year.
Sorry no pictures in this post. I meant to get first day of school pictures of the boys but never got around to it. I'll post some soon!
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