Wednesday, December 28, 2011


December 29, 2001

Today marks our 10th wedding anniversary and with that I thought I would try to list what we've done or where we've been for each of them! A lot has happened in 10 years so some anniversaries are a bit fuzzy and we can't quite remember them.

#1. Devin surprised me with an overnight trip to Cincinnati and a fancy dinner on a riverboat. 2002

#2. I was pregnant with Austin and we spent Christmas in Albuquerque with family and probably went out to dinner somewhere. 2003

#3. Don't really remember this one. :( 2004

#4. I was pregnant with Teagan at the time and we left Austin with my parents.We spent a night at the Hotel Monaco in Denver where we each got massages and went to a nice dinner at Willie G's Seafood. 2005

#5. We left the boys with my parents and went to downtown Colorado Springs and did one of those spa packages that included dinner and champagne, massages and pedicures. 2006

#6. Our little family of 4 spent a few days over our anniversary at in indoor waterpark in England and then visited Warwick Castle and Stratford-upon-Avon (the home of Shakespeare). 2007

#7. I was pregnant with Bailey and after Christmas our family drove to the Isle of Wight for our anniversary/New Year's. We spent a few nights at a holiday resort in a cabin where we could cook our own meals. We played games and went for walks. This one was very memorable because I had a terrible sinus infection and I discovered Austin had gotten headlice and we couldn't find a drugstore on the island that was open for the whole week. 2008

#8. This one is fuzzy too. But it's likely we had a babysitter and went to dinner. 2009

#9. Our first anniversary apart. Devin was finishing his thesis in England while we in the States with family for the holidays. 2010

#10. Our good friends/neighbors are babysitting all the kids so we can have a date night! 2011

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