Thursday, November 1, 2012

Europe 2012 Part 2


So here's the next half of our trip. The day after graduation we hopped a plane for Rome. Rome was hot and crowded for the end of October. Much less romantic than the first time we visited but the fact that I was so tired and emotional and dragging around a 3 week old baby could have had something to do with it.

The first day Devin thankfully insisted we sleep in while his parents went out sightseeing. The walked all over the Colosseum and Roman Forum while we stayed in bed until noon. We then met up and toured a church, had lunch and went on an evening walking tour through the city which included the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps and Piazza Navona among others.

The next day we took a 3 hour tour of Vatican city where we walked through the museum, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. Finishing our day with a 2 mile walk back to our hotel.

Our last day in Rome we went to Circus Maximus and saw more ruins. Then we went searching for gifts/souveniers for the kids before catching a taxi to the airport to fly back to London. 

Castle San Angelo

Spanish Steps

Circus Maximus 

It was quite the whirlwind trip. I'm still not sure what is easier. Traveling with 3 kids (that are potty trained and able to feed themselves) or a brand new baby. It was nice however to get away and just be adults and not have to cater to a bunch of kids for a little while. I still missed our kids back home. That was the longest we have ever left them and it was harder than I anticipated. Anyway, I'm glad we did and glad it's over. Enjoy the pictures!

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