Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Moving and Settling in.

I started a new post a couple months ago and this is as far as I got.

"Well, we did it. Another move. 16,000+ lbs. and we are in another state, city, house and swimming in boxes and paper. Things going through my mind while unpacking..."we have too much stuff!", "where did this come from?", "where am I going to put this?", and "what a waste of paper and cardboard!". ."

Now 4 months later everything is out of boxes and we have thoroughly settled in to our house. Although I'm still trying to organize and find places for things and I haven't yet hung all of our pictures. But it feels like home. It looks like we've been here a while what with all the kids toys and things strewn about. It's a bigger house with more to clean but room to spread out. And the best part is the awesome view of the front range including the Air Force Academy where we can look out and "see" Daddy at work and even hear retreat and the National Anthem played at the end of the day. Something I miss when not living on base.

We've had a pretty decent winter for Colorado. Not a lot of snow but not a little either. The kids have enjoyed playing in it and sledding when there is enough of it. We are all still a bit wimpy about the cold. We've been so spoiled living in L.A. Bailey even said the other day when we were out in the cold that she wished we had never left California. You and me both, kid! Oh and we thought L.A. drivers were bad. Growing up here you learn how to drive in the snow but now it seems there must be so many transplants that have no idea what they are doing and going out in the bad weather is SCARY!! Colorado should require a driving test in the snow. Haha!

In February we celebrated Bailey's 5th birthday. I can't believe she's already 5.

Then came Austin turning 10 and Teagan turning 8 only a couple of weeks later! Our camera stopped working so I can't get the pictures of the boys off it to post but I will try to get some up here soon.

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